For the photographic series Random Flowers, the panorama function of Felix Dobbert’s camera is lead ad absurdum, generating visible deformations. The forced errors arise at the moment of exposure and thus stress the photographic process itself. But even more confusing than the staccato like repetition of the blossoms is the subtractive effect; real existing facets are erased by the camera, alluding to a possible decreation and reversing what photopionier William Henry Fox Talbot calls The Pencil of Nature. Through this process, Dobbert highlights how photography as a mechanical process, naturally inscribes itself onto the image of nature, without the artist’s intervention. The resulting historical belief in the objectivity of photography is reversed, allowing the alleged probative value of a photograph completely disappear, when parts of the image are photographed away.




Felix Dobbert

*born 1975 in Hamburg, Germany




1996 – 2004

Studies in photography and communication design, Folkwang University of the Arts, Germany

Diploma with distinction (Prof. Jörg Sasse)



Studies in communication design, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany


Recent exhibitions



gute aussichten deluxe, New German Photography after the Düsseldorf School, Haus der Photographie, Deichtorhallen Hamburg

10 Jahre. 10 Dinge. 10 Gäste, Galerie Rasche Ripken, Berlin

Perspectives. Strategies of Photographic Actions,10th Darmstadt Days of Photography, Germany



5×5 still lifes, Das zeitgenössische Stillleben in der Fotografie. Ein Experiment / The Contemporary Still Life in Photography: An Experiment, Museum Ratingen, Germany + KiZ [Kultur im Zentrum], Gießen, Germany

gute aussichten deluxe, Museo de la Cancilleria, Mexico City



Some Flowers, Coelner Zimmer, Düsseldorf (solo)

5×5 still lifes,Palais für aktuelle Kunst, Kunstverein Glückstadt, Germany






Passage, Scholarship by the City of Düsseldorf for a two-month residency in Toulouse, France






International Marianne Brandt Award (nominated)



Kodak Nachwuchs Förderpreis / Kodak Newcomer Award


gute aussichten – junge deutsche fotografie/ new German photography award 2004/2005






5×5 still lifes. Das zeitgenössische Stillleben in der Fotografie. Ein Experiment / The Contemporary Still Life in Photography: An Experiment, Verlag Kettler, Dortmund



Die Poesie des Funktionalen. Kunstverein Villa Arte e.V., Chemnitz

Still.Magazin für Junge Literatur & Fotografie. Berlin



Flächen.Künstlerinnen und Künstler am Seminar für Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft; artists at the Technische Universität Dortmund. Verlag Kerber, Bielefeld/Berlin



Felix Dobbert / Bertrand Parinet: Extradition, Tandem,Düsseldorf, 2008





2016 – 2018

Visiting Professor for photography, Department of Fine Arts, Giessen University, Germany


2007 – 2016

Head of Photography at Department of Fine Arts, TU Dortmund University, Germany



Felix Dobbert lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany